December 2022: setbacks and sickness

After glassing the hull in November, we planned to flip the boat before the 1st of January 2023. Unfortunately, this didn’t work out as planned… In the days after we finished glassing, we noticed that on two areas on the hull the epoxy did not dry as expected. At first, we thought that this was probably due to the cold weather and so we thought that the problem would probably fix itself in the next couple of days. Of course, this was just wishful thinking since we used winter-epoxy and temperatures in the shed were above minimum requirements. So, after a couple of days, we had to conclude that something went wrong. In retrospect, we think there was one portion (about 1 kilo) of epoxy in which, instead of winter-hardener, we put epoxy from another small container. We were pretty bummed about it, since the glassing went so well! There was no other option than removing all of the wet glass, sanding the hull down to the hardened parts and applying two new layers of 600gr/m2 glass fibe...