September 2022: it’s stringer time!

After a nice and long summer holiday in which we sailed the seas of Croatia with our kids, we were fully reloaded and ready to continue building our boat. At this moment we had mounted the frames, including the stem, on the jig and we had put the keel timbers and bunksides into place. The meant we were ready for the stringers! 

The stringers were temporarily stored in our home office in the garden. So, after months of seeing them during working hours and imagining how they would look on the boat, it was finally time to actually see how they would fit!

Since the stringers were longer than our garage and we could therefore only work with the garage door opened, we had to finish the mounting (and with that the shortening of them) of every stringer we started with before calling it the day. We were quite surprised by how relatively easy the stringed bended around the frames from the back until frame D. Mounting the final part of the stringers on frame E and the stem proved to be more challenging. After dry fitting all of the stringers we glued them frame by frame with epoxy. Once again, we had to learn to have faith in the strength of dried epoxy before removing the screws. 

After this step, planing of the stringers could start. Yet another new skill for the both of us!


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